Friday, January 11, 2013

The Creative, and potentially Chaotic, Cleanse begins!

Alright! Juice detox starts tomorrow!!!! Well, today, since it's 12:27a.m.

RAWRGH! It's going to be a hot mess of a juice thing because housemate and I are teaming up, with conflicting schedules, minimal time, and a crazy weekend ahead. But we're doing it anyway, because that's how we roll.

So far, our oh-so-planned-out plan is:

- Buy ALL the fruit, vegetables and ginger from the supermarket.
- Create amazing juice combinations several times a day, in advance where possible so we can take them with us for our work days.
- Absorb fantastic nutrients into body immediately. Bioavailability whaaaat.
- Feel amazing and healthy and glowy and maybe slightly dizzy.
- Repeat for a few days.

Stay tuned... ;)

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