Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For the love of... cinnamon!

Many of you know about my love affair with cinnamon. I'll add it to anything, and maintain my status as its Number One Fan, forever and ever!

Cinnamon is pretty much a Superhero Spice (visual: grinning cartoon cinnamon stick, standing akimbo with 'C'-emblazoned cape billowing in the wind...), with some ridiculously awesome health benefits:
  • Even a small amount of it provides a huge amount of iron, fibre, calcium and manganese (a trace element that we need to help our body use vitamins C & B1, make certain female hormones and prevent diabetes)
  • It regulates blood sugar, so it definitely makes a great addition to your diet if you are pre-diabetic or have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes
  • Studies have found it reduces the spread of leukemia and lymphoma cancer cells
  • Just half a teaspoon per day can lower LDL cholesterol (yes, that's the bad kind!), and blood pressure
  • Traditionally, it has been used to treat symptoms of indigestion and other stomach issues (think of the Peptobismol ad... it works for all of the ailments in that list!)
  • Taking a nice, deep whiff of cinnamon can immediately boost cognitive functioning, including memory and alertness.
So now you're ready to dig the jar out of your spice cupboard, and start cinnamon-ing your way to better health!

But wait! Word of warning: In North America, most stores and supermarkets actually sell 'cassia' as cinnamon... it's close, but it contains high levels of coumarin, a natural flavouring found in plants. When used medicinally in higher concentrations, this additive can actually cause liver damage (they say it's not permanent, but still... eek). There have been steps taken to ban the use of coumarin in medicine, but there has not yet been a huge movement to regulate the amount found in cassia, as it occurs naturally there.

As a consumer, you therefore want to be sure you are buying ceylon cinnamon, which contains barely any coumarin and is safe for consumption. It's sweeter than cassia, too! Natural food stores or markets usually stock this kind, and if you have the time, buying and grinding cinnamon sticks (you'll know they are ceylon if the roll of bark is made up of many thin layers, and not one big thick one) is the best way to get the maximum health benefits of this wonder-spice.

And now, back to the good stuff! Things to which you can easily add cinnamon:
  • Spaghetti sauce - even shaking some over the canned kind adds a nice little oomph of flavour
  • Salad dressings - especially over salads with fruit (think summer strawberries in a spinach salad mmmm)
  • Cereal - my favourite way to start the day is by stirring a huge spoonful of cinnamon into a bowl of oatmeal, cooked with sunflower seeds and dried cranberries
  • Marinades or rubs for meat - add it to barbeque sauce or steak rubs
  • Smoothies - try an apple, banana, almond and cinnamon one
  • Baking - muffins, vanilla cake, cookies, pies...
  • On fruit or nuts - dip almonds and sliced apples into a bowl of honey and cinnamon for a healthy snack
  • And for those of you who want a little indulgent treat, check out this super-easy recipe for homemade cinnamon cherry schnapps: I can't wait to try this one out in the fall!
Here's to a Wednesday of wellness,


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